Monday, August 20, 2012

What is "Love"?

I had the funniest dream the other night and woke up with such an understanding of what LOVE truly least for a little while. The dictionary describes love as...

[luhv] Show IPA noun, verb, loved, lov·ing.
1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
3. sexual passion or desire.
4. a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.
5. (used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love?
Nowhere on this list is the "energy" of love. In my dream I was a part of "love". It was an energy being shared from one being to the next...a light, an energy that beamed from our entire human existence. I'm not saying that the dictionary isn't correct, but I don't feel like it encompasses the essence, the core of what love is. Love is hard to describe. I love my parents, my friends, my pets, my hair products, my shoes, etc. Love is very different for each category.
This weekend I filmed my submission for the Matrix Spread the Love campaign. I REALLY want to be a part of this and grow from this experience. Between my dream and this campaign I thought about love on a different level. Can you love a stranger? Can you love someone you've never met? Is love pure energy that comes from being in contact with another soul? Can love change your existence?
I know I can love a stranger or someone I've never met. That's easy for me. I love them on a basic human level. The other person lives on this planet and I love them as a human. I feel that love is pure energy and that it can be felt from any other being. Love is trust, a safe place, a place where you can truly be yourself, your spirit is free. I do think that love can change your existence as a human being. When I come in contact with another person I love, I get a positive feeling, thus changing my existence in that moment. Love can change a person on a long term level as well.  
I love that love can make things better, change someones attitude, make someone or me feel better. I have found that I must love myself first before I can share my positive love with others. I'm thankful to have learned many love lessons and to have the "knowing" that love can do so much more than what is described in the dictionary.
As for today, it's time for me to get myself together, go to work and spread the love to others in my life and those I haven't meet. What is so wonderful about love is that the more you put out "there" the more will come back to you. In conclusion....there really is no is matter how you define it. Love is love. Love is good. Love is energy. The definition will still be a mystery. A mystery that I love. ;)

1 comment:

  1. I know I made my little joke on FB. But this hits home for me too honey. You are truly one of the most loving people on the planet, one I aspire to be like. I work daily to shed my fears and scars and embrace to positivity you come so naturally to. I canont wait to see you bloom in this most recetn opportunity. You shine with love and everyone around you beenfits. Thinking of you touring the nation and flashing your 100 watt smile, you'll leave nothing but awesome in your wake!


